EyeDetect Test in Ohio
The most advanced lie detection examination available todayEyeDetect
As well as the traditional polygraph equipment, Cincinnati Polygraph Associates uses the advanced EyeDetect system for detecting deceptive responses to a set of test questions. EyeDetect was developed by the developers of the original computerized polygraph; the first instrument ever used to automate lie detection.
EyeDetect—Features and Benefits
- Innovative—the first deception detection method that effectively monitors subtle changes in the eyes to “see the truth.”
- High Accuracy—It classifies examinees as truthful or deceptive with at least 86-90% accuracy.
- Non-intrusive—No cables or sensors to attach to the examinees.
- Incorruptible & Unbiased—The potential for human-based examiner element is eliminated, and the data are encrypted in real time.
- Bank-level Secure—Same encryption and physical security that banks use.
- Flexible & Portable—EyeDetect tests are usually done in our offices but, in suitable cases, can be carried out off-site, e.g., in court or attorneys’ premises or in custodial facilities.

Testing can be utilized in many different circumstances
Including but not limited to:
- Corporate pre-employment tests (where allowed).
- Security/Law enforcement personnel examinations.
- Criminal suspects/civil case participant depositions.
- Parolees’/probationers’ routine tests.
- Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT)
- Cheating spouses/significant others.
Who is EyeDetect For?
- Corporations (where allowed by law).
- Federal, state, and local government agencies.
- Departments of correction.
- Marriage/family counselors and therapists.
- Criminal defense attorneys.
- Probation and parole officers.

EyeDetect is a major advancement in credibility assessment and has the potential to transform society.
EyeDetect for Law Enforcement Agencies
Law enforcement agencies are tasked with the critical responsibility to safeguard citizens and communities. But it all starts by effectively pre-screening job applicants and periodically screening all current personnel, without bias, for positions such as police officers, sheriffs, dispatchers, and corrections officers.
Law Enforcement agencies use EyeDetect to help automate and streamline the credibility assessment phase of the hiring process. The EyeDetect test accurately measures the truthfulness about an applicant’s past drug history, criminal behavior (whether or not caught), accuracy when completing the job application, or any other critical issue of concern. It can be customized to meet an agency’s specific needs.
EyeDetect examinations are 100% unbiased.
They will never discriminate based on gender, race, or color.
EyeDetect Makes Screening Law Enforcement Candidates Easier
Dishonest Candidates—Quickly eliminate candidates showing signs of deception.
Honest Candidates—Focus on candidates with no indicators of deception.
Unbiased—EyeDetect is automated and will not show bias or discrimination.
Fast Results—Tests take 30 minutes, and results are ready soon afterward.
Non-intrusive—No cables or sensors are attached to the examinee.
EyeDetect helps us quickly identify who would make a good police officer and who would cause us a lot of concern. So far, it’s been a huge success.
EyeDetect for Testing of Sex Offenders
Sexual assault, sexual abuse, exhibitionism, voyeurism, and viewing child pornography are serious crimes. During periodic screening or in therapy sessions, it’s vital that treatment providers have the most advanced information available to help uncover the truth while treating sex offenders convicted of these crimes.
Many treatment providers have concerns using polygraph examinations because they can be time-intensive and can also be subjective, as well as requiring the use of intrusive equipment for measuring physiological changes in the examinee. This can be uncomfortable for people with mental disorders such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or for others with character disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Asperger Syndrome (AS).
With EyeDetect, these issues are not a concern: EyeDetect tests are standardized, and the testing process is automated, uniform, and non-intrusive. There are specific EyeDetect tests designed to uncover offenses (“Did you commit the crime?”) or re-offenses (“Did you commit the crime again?”). It’s ideal for determining if a sex offender has violated parole or probation (“Have you violated conditions of parole?”) and uncovering details during a sex history discussion (“Have you disclosed all victims?”)
EyeDetect and Polygraph
EyeDetect is not applicable in all situations, and in those cases where it is not suitable, we recommend conducting a traditional polygraph examination to achieve the best results. This is one of the benefits of working with Cincinnati Polygraph Associates: we can provide solutions to fit all cases.
For more details on EyeDetect, or to make an appointment, please get in touch via our Contact Us page.
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